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What Your Resume Should Look Like
Candidate Advice
Resume writing assistance is not offered at Egret Consulting, however, we do get asked often, “please let me know if my resume needs to be tweaked.” There are a few key components to include in your resume:
Contact Information
•phone number
•address (at least town and state)
•LinkedIn profile
•personal website
Note: Be certain your LinkedIn profile is updated and corresponds to your resume. Use a professional photo. The family photo with Mickey Mouse and the Castle is cute, but not appropriate for your LinkedIn profile.
Include a qualification summary. This is your ‘WOW’ factor…what you bring to a potential employer and why they should keep reading. Share a brief summary of your key successes.
Key Skills
Bullet point your skill set at the top of your resume. Focus on your value to a new organization.
Performance and Metrics
Don’t just bullet point a few responsibilities that look like a job description under the titles and dates of roles that you’ve held. Also use a narrative to share specifics. Use quantifiable metrics. What were your sales, what was the increase in sales under your leadership, what was the percentage of market share growth, what were the number of new key accounts you cultivated, how much money did you save your organization, what were the new products that you designed that went to market, what were the sales that product generated, etc.
Timeline Holes
Do not leave a hole in your employment timeline. If you have a gap, explain why.
Now, let’s briefly touch on working with a professional recruiter that is specialized in your industry…In Egret Consulting’s case – the Electrical Industry. A professional recruiter will have a detailed understanding of the needs of their client in relation to the role and responsibilities for the position that they’re working on. We understand the professional / technical attributes that are required to achieve success, but have a strong feel for the culture of our client’s organization and the ‘soft skills’ that a candidate will require in order to thrive in the company. Walk through your career achievements with your recruiter and discuss in great detail your values system i.e. what is or isn’t a good fit for you culturally. A good professional recruiter will then ‘connect the dots’ on your resume and present their client company with a comprehensive written summary of your career successes, professional achievements, and why you’re a cultural fit for the organization.
Rob Wieska
Executive Recruiter
Rob’s expertise is in Power Distribution, Automation Technologies (including generation products, smart grid, building automation and controls manufacturers) and Renewables (including wind, solar, battery / energy storage, and other emerging technologies). His clients include Manufacturers, Rep Firms, EPC’s, Energy ESCO’s, Electrical Contractors and more!